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.Sunday, January 1, 2012 ' 12:42 PM Y

A new beginning of the year (2012)

Went for countdown last nite and it like shit didnt even have any fun ! All of them was kind of SPOIL MOOD !! Forget it dun reali wana mention it .. Will not go for any countdown unless IF i think there isnt any mood spoil ppl ard ..

Ok, stop all the ranting.. I'm fine recently(i guess).. Just tat it had being a super long tym since my last post.. Bcoz I'm LAZY !!!!

Very upset with my parent ! (duno where to start saying - long fxxking story) ! I think this part can skip !!!!!

Dont know what to say ! Going off ..

Shall countinue when i feel like it ... BYE !

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.Sunday, July 31, 2011 ' 11:52 PM Y
It being a very long time since my last post. Was working & studying so really no time.. Nothing much to say.. Recently have being messaging someone <3 (shhhh)

Shall end here.. Will be back when i feel like it ... :)

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.Monday, January 24, 2011 ' 6:09 PM Y
First post of 2011 ..

Actually nothing to post so just wanted to leave it dead :) Then my sister say if i dont update , she will delete me away from her blog (WAKAO A) .. I blog, SEE !!

Bought my iphone4 one month plus ago ! (Happy-ing)

Chinese New Year coming like nobody business ! ( FUCK IT, every year the same )

Ok bcoz i have nothing much to say so end with the bunny picture..

Shall continue again ... Bye ...

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.Sunday, October 24, 2010 ' 3:09 PM Y

Gotta blog today bcoz i dun want my blog to die ...

I have not being wrkin for the past 4 mths (i know I'm lazy) but I'm looking for one nw and i know my money goin to use up real SOON !!! Arh.. ! Aiyah, i also nthin much to tok so photo speak up for me..

Eski Bar ( 15/10)

Shall continue again .. :) bye !

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.Friday, August 13, 2010 ' 6:20 PM Y
Outing with my besties on 040810 ( Other photo at Facebook )

Other photo.....

I'm fine just tat nvr wrk.. Very bored.. Lol.. Tat all of my update..

Shall continue again.. :) Bye

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.Saturday, June 19, 2010 ' 8:06 PM Y
Hiies.. BACK !

I tend my resign letter on the first day of this month .. My lady boss accepted it, she did ask me reason and ask me to stay. I turn down.. :) Got to go find job soon !!

Nothing much happen just that recently i'm clearing my leave. On the 17th was my off day and 18th and 19th was my leave. My baobei accompany me for the last two days.. Thanks ! (With love).. Went to AMK hub on 17th, reach there the MRT waited for Ailee bcoz went there for the " Shabu - Shi Buffet Restaurant ".. We didn't call to reserve so it was FULL HOUSE and we were on waiting list. All of us wait outside the restuaurant but not more than 30 min we were call to go in.. ( YEAH ) ! Eat until shop close.. Hahaha !!

Yesterday went to Tiong Bahru Plaza. Bought my SUPER favourite drama, " He's Beautiful ". I watched it alot of time online but i still decide to buy the dvd.. Worth watching over and over again ! Went to have MOS Burger with my Baobei. After eating we headed back to my house. He left around 11pm..

That all, i guess.. Shall continue again .. bye !

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.Saturday, May 22, 2010 ' 10:45 PM Y

Back with a very piss off mood..

Early in the morning, my boss came into the office and say this to me " why everyday your sale so low " .. F**k sia !! As if it was my fault.. Nobody know how hard every morning i try to sell out one ticket. :( Very stress, can't continue working.. Signing soon in June. (Do wish myself gd luck in finding another job) ! I don't even know or understand why am i still staying in such working environment ??? If people wish to join service line think before joining. Get prepare to get scolded for no reason !


PLEASE RESPECT PEOPLE. PEOPLE GOT PARENTS TOO. (that is what my mum always say). In other word please don't throw temper at the person who is serving you when you have any unhappy incident outside !

Shall continue again !!

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Name: xiaoyan
Age: 19
Day tat i c tis world: 26 feb


What I want.
-Study my fav course
-Earn alot of money



My Private Blog
Jia Xin
Xiao Qin


-September 2007
-November 2007
-September 2008
-October 2008
-November 2008
-December 2008
-January 2009
-February 2009
-March 2009
-April 2009
-May 2009
-June 2009
-July 2009
-August 2009
-September 2009
-October 2009
-November 2009
-December 2009
-January 2010
-February 2010
-March 2010
-April 2010
-May 2010
-June 2010
-August 2010
-October 2010
-January 2011
-July 2011
-January 2012


Music Beats
Currently no music.

Many ThanksY

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